Thursday, August 14, 2014

Reply Slip (Registration Form)

R e p l y   S l i p

               We ________________________________________ who are legal parents/guardian of _______________________________ do hereby certify that we have read the guidelines of the 2014-2015 MTG Mathematical Challenge for Filipino Kids Training Program and give our full consent for him/her to participate in such a worthy training program.

NAME  ___________________________________Chinese Name (If Any) ________________ Sex: _____

Grade/Year Level: ______________ Citizenship: ____________ Religion: __________________ 

Birth date: ____________________ Contact No.: ___________________ Mobile No.: _________________       

T-Shirt size: _____________ Email Address: ____________________________________

Complete Residence Address: __________________________________________________________________________________

Name of School: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

School Address: _____________________________________________________ 

School’s Tel. Number: ______________________

 ___________________________________                              _________________________________

 Signature of Parents/Guardian over Printed Name                     Signature of Trainee over Printed Name


  1. Hi!

    A copy of this reply slip received by my son was, unfortunately, eaten by our dog. :-(

    How can I download another copy? Or is it no longer necessary to send a scanned copy once the online form has been filled-up already?


    1. Hi Ma'am!

      You can simply print the above registration form, fill-up and submit on Saturday.
